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Screenshot of the educational platform of public audiovisual, Lumni. www.lumni.fr

The new educational platform of the French public audiovisual sector was launched this Tuesday, November 19th. More than 10,000 content is already available for students, teachers and educators. Objective: to offer verified and ad-free content on a single platform for working in class, tutoring or at home.

Public Audiovisual launches its educational platform, this Tuesday, November 19th. The Lumni platform, launched in collaboration between France Télévisions, INA, France Media World , Radio France, Arte and TV5 Monde, in partnership with the Ministries of National Education and Culture, offers today more than 10 500 educational contents.

The educational site " offers a diversified cultural offer to better understand the world and fight against misinformation, " said Minister of Culture Franck Riester during the presentation of Lumni. It is based on three pillars, a public space dedicated to primary school students in high school who wish to do research and two other spaces reserved for teachers and educators (associations, support groups, mediators, etc ...).

The goal ? Gather all the educational content, be it written, audio or video, produced by the French public audiovisual sector, in collaboration with Eduthèque, the Clemi (Center for Media and Information Education), the Ligue de l teaching and the Canopée network (network of creation and pedagogical accompaniment). This platform is " a new partnership ," welcomed Delphine Ernotte , President of France Televisions. It also aims to be a complement to the curriculum by offering an extension of courses and keys " to make sense of the complexity of the world . "

Fight against misinformation

Short videos that decrypt the hashtags , partnerships journalists-youtubeurs that decrypt the information or historical archives that illustrate the greatest moments in history ... The formats have been multiplied to satisfy users from 3 to 18 years and for adapt to changing consumption patterns.

Decoding programs with France Télévisions famous presenters to awareness videos on conspiracy theories, a point of honor was put on the fight against misinformation. "We had to respond to the challenges we face. It's hard to manage the information and Lumni can provide something certified, "said Blanquer.

For their part, RFI, France 24 and MCD provide more international content, the fight against infox and learning French and foreign languages. Files on historical and scientific topics will be shared on Lumni as it evolves. But while platforms such as France TV Education, Educ'Arte and INA Milestones abandon their site for the benefit of Lumni, RFI Savoirs continues to satisfy its other target: students of higher education and educational institutions abroad.

An educational resource

The Minister of National Education has hammered his will to make Lumni an important educational resource. " We will push the platform to the maximum in the school system. It's a big step forward and it's up to us to make that happen in the future, "he said. Nearly 3,000 contents are available in the "teachers" section. Teachers will find multi-format enrichments, indexed by curricula and subjects. " There are all the key to a teacher can build his course, " says Antoine Bayet, in charge of the development of this part of the site, managed by the INA.

Helping our children to acquire knowledge, develop their sensitivity and critical thinking: these are the goals of @lumniFR.

With @jmblanquer, we launched this morning this new tool serving students and teachers, in connection with # Eduthèque. pic.twitter.com/PwbbafvOL8

Franck Riester (@franckriester) November 19, 2019