Several cars were set on fire in Gothenburg and Trollhättan in the summer of 2018. An extensive police investigation led to six people being prosecuted. The prosecution applies only to the fires around Frölunda square where most of the cars were burning.

Three of the suspects were indicted for serious damage and violent riots. According to the prosecution, they have burned and broken a large number of cars. The other three were indicted for assisting in serious damage, including for the prosecutor's claim that they made fire bombs.

- What has been special about this case is the acts themselves, that it has been such a great harm. The trial itself has been quiet. The defendants have been calm and factual, says prosecutor Mats Kihlbom.

According to the prosecution, it is about damages for millions of kronor. The prosecutor has called for youth service for the younger defendants, and four years in prison for the elderly.

- That's what I'm calling for. The penalty value itself is four years, but in that case it will be converted considering the age of the accused, says Mats Kihlbom.

The judgment will be announced on December 2.

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There were blood traces on this cloth bag that led the police to one of the now suspected perpetrators Photo: Nima Kamrani, eyewitness / police investigator