Public hospital staff are on the street Thursday and demand an emergency plan for hospital services. An interprofessional event to ask for better working conditions, as told by Anne-Claire Raflegeau, a nurse at Kremlin Bicêtre Emergency, invited from Europe 1.


An emergency plan for public hospitals. This is what the demonstrators are asking for this Thursday in Paris and in the regions in front of the bill of finance of the Social Security. Medical students, caregivers, doctors will be on the street. This is the case of Anne-Claire Raflegeau, emergency nurse Kremlin Bicêtre. Intervened on the antenna of Europe 1 at the end of her night of guard, she will wear a black armband as a sign of solidarity.

"Our demands are always the same, it's a situation that lasts.We lack beds to hospitalize patients, the working conditions are deteriorating from year to year, and we are short of staff," details emergency. Anne-Claire Raflegeau illustrates her comments about the lack of staff, stating that 60% of her team has changed service since the beginning of the year: "Most of them have changed jobs, some have moved to another service, it is proof that we suffer in our work. "

"The public hospital is in danger"

The Nurse Kremlin Bicêtre hopes that the message passed in the demonstration will be strong and that the government's response will be even stronger. "It is important to mobilize and show that the public hospital is in danger, that we defend a common heritage, and that many of us defend all this," insists Anne-Claire Raflegeau.

In Paris, the event will leave Port Royal at 2 pm, will pass by the boulevard Montparnasse and the rue de Grenelle before ending its route on the Esplanade des Invalides.