• Results.Sanchez fails in the elections and Vox shoots at the cost of Cs
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  • In detail See the election results municipality to municipality
  • The candidacies.The regionalist revolution against the big parties: from Teruel There is the PRC

"If Revilla brings anchovies to La Moncloa, we are going to bring Teruel ham." The euphoria overflowed the party last Sunday night at the Tapas y Copas bar, located on the Paseo del Ovalo in the capital of Torico. Teruel Existe, a social platform with more than two decades of progress, achieved a historic milestone by imposing itself in its electoral premiere to the PSOE and the PP. His entry into the Cortes will contribute to further atomize the Parliament, but will also raise the voice of interior Spain in a scenario of ungovernability in which a seat can be charged at the price of gold.

Tomás Guitarte , elected deputy of Teruel There, assures EL MUNDO that this party will not prevent unlocking, but in exchange for running the pending infrastructure. "We will not be an obstacle. We are open to the whole parliamentary arch that seeks governance. We are committed to guarantee stability, although subject to fulfilling the promises that so far have refused to execute the two traditional parties."

Guitarte will occupy a seat in Congress, while Joaquín Egea and Beatriz Martín are already senators elected for this formation. Teruel Existe touched 27% of the votes in the province, compared to 25.4% of the PSOE and 23.6% of the PP. The most voted. It collected 19,696 votes, widely exceeding the threshold necessary to obtain representation in one of the least populated constituencies in the country. In the Turolense capital, 40% of the vote came together and prevailed in almost 40 municipalities of this province. "It is a spectacular result, although the CIS directly ignored us," says Guitarte.

After articulating a coordinator that brings together social entities of all kinds, Teruel exists exemplifies the struggle of almost a hundred groups that make up the so-called "revolt of empty Spain." The massive demonstration convened in March in Madrid marked a turning point to galvanize the tiredness of dozens of provinces and regions that feel battered by the old parties. Depopulation, which affects more than half of the national territory, is the result of the inequality gap. And hence the Turolense example has been followed with extraordinary interest in other provinces, such as Soria. In fact, the platform that heads the claims in this province is already considering taking the political arena.

The transformation of a social platform of these characteristics into a political party represents an unprecedented challenge in the recent history of our country. Guitarte argues that Teruel Existe intends "not to lose the transversal character" that until now has presided over its activity. This group admits that its electoral program "is not ideological", which means that it rests on the statement of objections on some of the commitments historically postponed by the different governments of the PSOE and the PP. Basically, the authorization of a high-performance train line on the Cantabrian-Mediterranean Corridor between Zaragoza and Sagunto, the execution of long-awaited road infrastructure such as the A-68 (Ebro highway) or the A-40 (highway between Teruel and Cuenca) - keys to vertebra the connections of this province -, and the guarantee of alternatives to alleviate the closing of the thermal power station of the town of Andorra , which until now had operated as one of the economic lungs of Teruel. To this are added other requirements in the field of telecommunications, taxation and territorial cohesion.

The demands of emptied Spain

The Teruel Existe program de facto assumes the document of the platforms of the emptied Spain. It includes the request of a State pact against depopulation, the update of the Rural Development Law of 2007 - in force but frozen - and the "physical accessibility to the territory", which in the case of this Aragonese province goes through the execution of all procedures paralyzed in the infrastructures promised during the last 20 years. Teruel was the last Spanish capital to which the railroad arrived . He did it in 1901. And even today it is the only provincial capital with no direct connection by highway with Madrid . The route of the train line between Zaragoza and Valencia responds to a route planned in the 19th century.

"The main ministry for depopulation is that of Development. It is about promoting a more just and balanced Spain from the territorial point of view. And for this it is necessary to guarantee a level of infrastructure that allows us not to continue losing productive fabric or opportunities for employment, "says Guitarte, who criticizes Pedro Sánchez to go to Teruel to" promise some studies on the Cantabrian-Mediterranean Corridor that are already carried out, paid and paralyzed. "

The emergence of political options linked to the demand for public works is not an exclusive feature of Spain. In the United States there is a similar trend, although it does not enjoy popularity to the extent that it is interpreted as an attempt to erode the federal vision when it comes to governing this country. This trend is known as pork barrel , which is equivalent to using the seat to obtain local or regional benefits. However, access to the courts will force Teruel Exist to position itself in matters related to the model of society, which exceeds the planning of public works.

"We have been the speaker of this land - Guitarte emphasizes - and now we will be heard in Madrid. The citizens of Turolense have decided to take their future because traditional politics did not. Institutional presence is another tool to boost rebalancing territorial, key to modify the management of the State in the provinces with less population ".

Teruel posters It exists in a demonstration.

Until reaching success, Teruel Existe has had to face a campaign with hardly any cadres or means. "We have held many meetings in contact with the peoples, but we have suffered the media boycott of the Aragonese public media and also the two great parties, especially the PSOE," emphasizes the elected deputy of this group.

The Aragonese president, Javier Lambán , maintains an old litigation with Teruel Existe. Before the elections, he attacked a vindictive dynamic that, he said, became the "vital objective" of a society "only leads to an inexhaustible source of tears and, in the worst case, dehydration and nothingness" . Mayte Pérez , Minister of the Presidency of the Government of Aragon, said that "while some are recreated selling a decaying Teruel, we trust our potential." Ignacio Urquizu , former socialist deputy and mayor of Alcañiz (Teruel), said on Twitter on October 20: "The message of Teruel Existe is a combination of melancholy and pessimism. Inland Spain needs the opposite: optimism and counting all potentialities we have. Pessimism has never built future projects. "

According to Guitarte, "these attacks have been counterproductive for those who have uttered them. We have suffered even personal insults. The only thing that has achieved that is to strengthen our message."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Teruel There
  • Teruel
  • Spain
  • PSOE
  • Madrid
  • Andorra
  • Soria
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  • Valencia
  • U.S
  • Basin, watershed, catchment area, socket, bowl, hollow
  • CIS
  • Javier Lambán
  • Aragon
  • Pedro Sanchez

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