Four days after the immolation of a student in Lyon outside the headquarters of Crous, demonstrators denouncing the precarious student blocked the law school of Lille Tuesday, causing the cancellation of a conference of François Hollande. The former head of state regrets "that this emotion has turned into violence".

His conference was eagerly awaited. She must have even sold out. But it never happened. Former President François Hollande could not go to the G amphitheater of the University of Lille where he had to speak. The fault of a hundred protesters who invaded the scene, denouncing the precarious student, four days after a young man of 22 years was immolated by fire in front of the headquarters of Crous in Lyon.

The former president was not in the amphitheater when a hundred people invaded him, chanting "Lyon, Lyon, neither forgetfulness nor forgiveness", "Holland assassin!", "Precariousness kills, all responsible ". Some have torn the pages of his book Answering the Democratic Crisis .

The former head of state "regret that this emotion has turned into violence," according to his entourage. "There is a legitimate emotion after the desperate gesture of a student in Lyon and the president understands it," wrote a relative of Francois Hollande in a statement. He believes "understandably that some students have seized the arrival of a former president to publicize their claims." Nevertheless, he blames these individuals for their lack of dialogue, "preventing more than 1,200 students from discussing democracy with him."

"The youth at the heart of his quinquennium"

This same source adds that the former President "has always placed youth and social justice at the heart of his five-year term", and recalls the measures taken by François Hollande at the Elysée for students: "construction of nearly 50,000 homes 30% increase in the minimum internship allowance, creation of the first job search assistance to financially support the period of professional integration, creation of three new levels of scholarships for middle-class students and revaluation of all stock exchanges ".

>> READ ALSO - Student immolated in Lyon: a thousand people gathered in front of the Crous

Several demonstrations took place in France on Tuesday, one of which gathered some 300 to 400 people in front of Crous de Lille, before they entered the law school where François Hollande's conference was scheduled.