The Swedish Democrats want the Riksdag to direct distrust of the Minister of Justice, on the grounds that he is doing too little to stop the criminals. The Moderates and the Christian Democrats support the proposal.

However, a majority of Parliament is opposed. Yesterday, the Liberals agreed that they will vote in the no-confidence vote against Morgan Johansson on Wednesday, and the same message has since been left by the Left Party.

C: Don't support distrust

The Center Party's parliamentary group made its decision on Tuesday afternoon.

- The situation is very worrying in several places in the country, but what you need now is tough legislation and the police get the support they need. To dismiss a minister, we do not see anything that would help improve the situation, says Anders W Jonsson, C's group leader in Parliament.

TT: Has Morgan Johansson done enough?

-No, there's a lot left to do. However, he has invited broad calls. There are no less than 24 legislative changes going on in this direction. It will certainly need more, but using Parliament's sharpest instruments will not help, says Anders W Jonsson.