Although experts have recently coined the term "attraction to the smart," the concept itself is old. From 380 BC, Plato, in his seminar, spoke of the relationship between love and thought. Intelligence has always been an attractive feature for many.

Attention to the smart has become a more popular term in the world of romantic relationships. The term comes from the Latin word meaning "sane," and refers to the attraction factor of intelligent people.

Affinity for group attributes
Affinity plays a very important role in many situations, such as when you fall in love, or even when you vote for a politician. In fact, it is the factor most people think about.

However, intellectual attraction alone does not determine whether you will like someone. In fact, most people don't feel attracted to just one trait, but to a set of traits that make them want someone. Therefore, the attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that shape someone else's personality greatly affect your desire for them.

During the attraction of intelligence people take into account physical and personal factors (communication sites)

Emotional excitement of the brain
During attraction to intelligence people take into account physical and personal factors. However, they feel more attracted to share new ideas and deep conversations that enrich them emotionally and intellectually.

For them, words are not only tools for communication, but also emotional tools. In general, they feel more attracted to the person's knowledge or to the affection built through conversations than any other trait.

Different types of intelligence
When we talk about intelligence, we usually associate it with a high cognitive ability or some people have a broad knowledge. For many current researchers, the definition goes far beyond that.

For their part, the authors, like Howard Gardner and his theories about multiple intelligence or Daniel Goleman and emotional intelligence, broadened the concept to include many other factors. This essentially means that natural persons can be attracted to both academic knowledge or the ability to solve complex problems, as well as highly creative, emotionally mature people or those with a great ability to interact with others.

Feeling particularly attracted to the cognitive ability of others can have repercussions for some people (communication sites)

Attractiveness characteristics of intelligence
For now, there is a much broader definition of intelligence. The emotional attraction of intelligence may be no different from the general concept. In fact, they have more in common than you initially thought, for example:

  • Smart people are people with a high degree of self-knowledge.
  • Enjoy a great deal of openness.
  • They have a high level of intelligence.
  • They are attracted to renewal.
  • Thoughtful.
  • They are dedicated to learning and devoting their time to gaining new knowledge.
  • Deep conversations appeal to them.
  • Although both men and women are likely to be attracted to intelligence, this feature is more common among women.

The drawbacks of attraction to cognitive ability
Intelligence is just another feature, and although it is of positive quality, a sense of being particularly attracted to the cognitive ability of others can have implications for some people.

In this case, individuals suffer from a lack of self-esteem, and tend to make others perfect, because it is easy for them to appear as someone who is not real. Ultimately, this attitude can hurt them and make them feel insecure.

Recognizing and admiring the traits of others is very healthy in romantic relationships. However, each relationship must be balanced and neither one feels less than it is.