
  • SPEA Engineering will no longer monitor the safety of Autostrade per l'Italia's viaducts


11 November 2019Autostrade has decided to close some lanes, prohibit the transit of exceptional vehicles and prohibit overtaking between trucks on four Liguria viaducts which, after the last inspections ordered by Aspi to external companies, have reached a higher score of deterioration than it was was indicated by Spea. A measure "as a precaution", according to what Agenzia Ansa learns from the direction of the Genoa section. The bans will remain until the damaged parts that last a few months are restored. The limitations and work have been underway for weeks.

As part of the most recent monitoring cycles carried out by Spea and supplemented by inspections carried out by external companies, 4 works were reported with a 70 rating, a defect that requires a prompt activation of the intervention. Specifically, on the 4 viaducts with a vote of 70 the Management of Tronco di Genova is already carrying out maintenance interventions, which are part of the wider maintenance plan for bridges and viaducts already started by Aaspi at the beginning of 2019 and which provides resources of 360 million.

In detail here are the measurements on the 4 viaducts in question:
A7 (Milan-Genoa) Viaduct Coppetta Northbound carriageway km 117 + 570: Signposting of inflection that shifts the traffic on the left side of the roadway (the beam with vote 70 is the one on the right edge); lane closing; no overtaking for vehicles over 7.5 tons; no transit for all exceptional transports exceeding the mass limit permitted by the Highway Code (44 t). The works will finish by next December.

A7 Ponte Scrivia in Busalla (Genoa) North carriageway km 111 + 360: closing lane; prohibition of transit for all exceptional transports exceeding the mass admitted by the highway code (44 t). We learn that having already applied a provisional support to the beam with a 70 vote, the lane could already be reopened but it is used for inspections and investigations aimed at planning the intervention, expected by June 2020.

A26 (Genoa-Alessandria-Gravellona Toce) Bormida Viaduct North and South carriageway km 058 + 292: closure of overtaking lanes (North and South); no overtaking for vehicles over 7.5 tons (North and South); no transit for exceptional transports exceeding 90 tons (North and South). The completion of the works is expected (weather permitting) by next March 2020.

A10 (Genoa-Ventimiglia) Arc Bridge East carriageway km 016 + 782: closing of the lane; no overtaking for vehicles over 7.5 tons; prohibition of transit for all exceptional transports exceeding the mass admitted by the Highway Code (44 t). Work in progress; expected completion (weather permitting) by next December.