The plaintiff's attorney Marcus Josefsson represents 30 relatives. It was an emotional day for many close relatives of the victims.

- For many, it's still a wide-open wound. Now that it starts again it is so clear that it tears up wounds. But for some, it might be a way to put it behind them to be present, he explains.

The defense, for its part, hopes to have another trial in the High Court. Defense lawyer Ulrik Smedberg tells SVT News West that the bus driver is also feeling bad, but that it is not as sensitive this time.

- He thinks he should have been released in the district court for other reasons. We hope to be able to have another trial in the High Court - that you find that it is not possible to investigate what this accident was really due to, he says.

Had neither drunk nor eaten

It has been two and a half years since the bus accident in Sveg where three young people were killed and 38 were injured. On the bus, high school students traveled from Skene in western Gothenburg, who would go skiing in northern Sweden.

But they never came further than just south of Sveg. At 7am on the morning of April 2, 2017, the bus driver drove off the road for some reason. By then the bus driver had been driving for eight hours. He had neither drunk nor eaten during the bus ride.

Sentenced in district court

The bus driver was charged with neglecting to the death of another, causing bodily harm and carelessness in traffic. And in April this year he was released on all counts. Borås district court ruled this spring that the driver had lost control of the bus, and that it was because his concentration was impaired by fatigue or sleepiness. But at the same time, the district court ruled that it could not prove that the bus driver should have understood that he was too tired to drive the bus in a traffic-safe manner. Therefore, the driver cannot be considered to have acted "punishable negligently," the district court said.

The verdict was appealed and today the first of four court days started in the courts of Gothenburg. And it is the bus driver's fault that needs to be tested again.

- I mean that you have to be able to make higher demands on the driver, because he is a professional driver with great responsibility, you should have great preparedness. He had neither drunk nor eaten during such a long journey, says Mikael Bäckström.

He thinks it was the bus driver's own responsibility to make sure he didn't get tired.

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Stina woke up from the scream when the bus overturned Photo: SVT