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People chant slogans as they protest against the police in Hong Kong on November 11, 2019. REUTERS / Thomas Peter

On Monday, November 11, a police officer fired three shots at young people trying to block a junction in Hong Kong. A young man was hit in the stomach. A new call for a strike was launched on Monday, November 11, and groups of young demonstrators disrupted traffic and public transport.

From our correspondent in Hong Kong , Simon Leplâtre

The face-to-face was held between residents, some demonstrators and the police on Monday morning in Sai Wan Ho, east of Hong Kong Island. An hour and a half earlier, a policeman who was trying to block the traffic jam shot three bullets at two young protesters. One was hit in the leg, and the other in the stomach, liver and kidney.

►Also read : In Hong Kong, opponents want commission on police violence

On one of the videos of the scene, we see a young man dressed in black who tried to prevent the arrest of a comrade and collapses on the spot. He was not armed. The weekend was again tense after the death of a young man Friday.

Real shot

For many Hong Kong, the police abuse the force. Ms. Leung, in her forties, came out to support the protesters: " I am very angry, they did not need to use live ammunition to shoot at youth, at an unarmed protester. It seems that they now have orders to use live ammunition. Now they are threatening people with their guns everywhere. For us, it's like a June 4th slaughter in slow motion. "

The massacre of 4 June was on the Tiananmen Square in Beijing in 1989. The reference is strong, but it illustrates well the feeling of many Hong Kong people who are worried about their autonomous territory become every day a little more a simple Chinese city.