In the survey from Gad3, made for the public service company RTVE, PSOE receives 114–119 mandates, a reduction from 123 that the party received in the election on April 28. Conservative Partido Popular (PP) gets 85-90 seats, a clear increase from 66.

The right extremity Vox increases strongly from 24 seats to 56-59. The Left Alliance Unidas Podemos backs, from 42 to 30-34 mandates.

Liberal right-wing Ciudadanos appear to be making a disaster choice and are rallying from 57 seats to 14-15.

New left

A new party, the left-wing ecological coalition Más País, seems to be making its debut in Congress with 3 seats.

Among other parties, Catalan separatist parties and Basque nationalist parties remain at the same levels as in April, according to Gad3 / RTVE.

The mandate distribution is not based on a polling poll from Sunday, but a conventional measurement of Gad3 over two weeks comprising about 15,000 interviews, but only published now. Due to Spain's electoral law, no measurements may be published five days before an election.

Aggressive Vox

The Catalan crisis has characterized Spanish politics in recent years. So does this electoral movement. Sánchez has tried to avoid voter tapping on the right by sharpening his earlier more dialogue-oriented tone towards the separatists in the region.

Vox appears to have benefited most from the debate with its aggressive attitude and draconian demands such as suspending Catalonia's autonomy, banning separatist parties and imprisoning regional president Quim Torra.

Extremely fat Spaniards

The Congress (Parliament's lower house) has 350 seats. Thus, at least 176 seats are required to obtain their own majority and hardly reach the left or right blocs. Therefore, a minority government led by PSOE is the best stalling tips, according to political analysts.

The first official election results begin at 9pm and a clear result around midnight. Sunday's new election also applies to 208 seats in the Senate (upper house).

At 18, it looked like voter turnout would decline. This was the second election this year and the fourth in four years. Add to that EU and regional elections and no one can be surprised at widespread voter fatigue in a nation of 37 million eligible voters.