Deploring the lack of coordination between the United States and Europe but also the unilateral behavior of Turkey in Syria, French President Emmanuel Macron ruled the alliance in a state of "brain death" in an interview published Thursday, November 7 in the British weekly The Economist.

>> Read also: Judging NATO in a state of "brain death", Emmanuel Macron invites Europe to a start

This judgment can be explained first and foremost by France's growing mistrust of the United States, as pointed out by our journalist, Baptiste Fallevoz. If the transatlantic relationship was once the force of NATO, the words and actions of Donald Trump only deteriorated the alliance. The withdrawal of a large part of US forces in Syria left the field open to a Turkish offensive against Kurdish forces. An American decision that was taken without any coordination, says Emmanuel Macron.

Finally, if the French head of state distances himself from NATO, it is also in order to advocate for a "Europe of Defense", an alliance capable of defending its interests and its sovereignty on the military level. to "reopen a strategic dialogue" with Russia.