It was June 7 that the very powerful explosion shook and damaged the residential building on Ådalagatan in central Linköping. Early in the investigation, suspicions were raised that the dynamite would have existed in a box cycle. Remains of the bicycle were found in an exploded bicycle storage room.

Police investigator John Skoog said last night in the TV program Wanted on Viafree that the bike is believed to have been stolen in Norrköping as early as March this year, according to Aftonbladet. Skoog has stated that a bid from Swedish Home Delivery should have had the bike stolen during a distribution round at Vikbolandet, east of Norrköping.

Black-clad man

The bicycle theft should have taken place at four in the morning. About an hour later, a car burglary was committed in the same area by a man who was observed. He is described as being 30-40 years old, about 185 centimeters tall, wearing a black bag and wearing black.

The police now want to get testimony about this man because they put these events in connection with the explosion in Linköping.