• 'Ndrangheta: arrests and kidnappings from the north to the south of Italy for international drug trafficking
  • False bills and 'ndrangheta: 34 arrests between Lombardy and Calabria


November 08, 2019The State Police of Milan carried out a precautionary custody order in Lombardy and Piedmont against 9 people, all Italian, held liable, in various capacities, for crimes of criminal association and fraudulent transfer of values. Seized assets for over ten million euros, including company shares of some restaurants belonging to the famous chain of 'tour-pizza' Tourlè, referable, in the first instance, to a known injured contiguous to Calabrian organized crime.

The investigations, conducted by the agents of the mobile team of the police headquarters in Milan and, in the preventive phase, by the policemen of the Milanese anti-crime division, coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Milan, made it possible to shed light on the interests of subjects adjoining Calabrian gangs regarding reinvestment of money the result of illegal activities, with the release of large capitals in the large restaurant circuit in Northern Italy.

#SquadraMobile and Anti-Crime Division Milan have discovered a round of money, the result of illegal activities, reinvested in the circuit of large restaurants in Lombardy and Piedmont by members of the Calabrian organized crime
9 people arrested #Dac #Sco pic.twitter.com/BnBQWSjgJN

- State Police (@poliziadistato) 8 November 2019