Michele Castaldo (Ansa)

  • He killed a woman in the grip of an emotional storm, punished by half for 30 to 16 years
  • Killed a woman in the throes of "emotional storm", Pg Bologna appeals to the Cassation
  • Killed in 'emotional storm', he attempts suicide in prison


08 November 2019No of the Cassation to the discount of the sentence granted on appeal - from 30 to 16 years of imprisonment - to Michele Castaldo, a self-confessed murderer of Olga Matei, the woman with whom he had an affair, strangled in Riccione in 2016.

The Supreme Court, accepting the appeal of the prosecutor in Bologna, apparently did not agree with the granting of extenuating circumstances - also due to the 'emotional storm' of which the man was found to be prey - recognized to the accused by the Court of Assizes of appeal from Bologna, which, with a sentence that made people talk a lot, had practically halved the sentence for Castaldo.

The judges of the first penal section of the Supreme Court, chaired by Monica Boni, have in effect canceled the appeal sentence, "limited to the recognition of generic extenuating circumstances". On this point, therefore, an appeal-bis trial against Castaldo, detained in the Ferrara prison, will have to take place in Bologna. The extenuating circumstances that had been granted in the second instance - and held by the appellate judges equivalent to the aggravating circumstance of having acted for futile reasons and in the grip of jealousy - concerned, in addition to the 'emotional storm' that emerged in a psychiatric examination carried out during the trial , also his confession, the fact that he had a clean record, and the intention to pay compensation for the damage.

Opposite to the verdict tonight - the reasons for which must be filed within 90 days - the substitute pg. "the emotional and passionate states - he had argued in his indictment - can be assessed by the judge for the granting of generic extenuating circumstances and this assessment falls within the discretionary power of the judge of merit".