A judge orders President Trump to pay $ 2 million to settle a lawsuit alleging he misused his charitable foundation to further his political and business interests. The judge also agreed on a deal to close the Trump Foundation, distribute remaining funds. https://t.co/WkXcGzRYHf

- The Associated Press (@AP) November 7, 2019

$ 2 million must be paid by the president himself for violating the fiduciary duty to properly control the fund that bears his name, reports ABC.

On June 14, it became known that the Attorney General of New York, Barbara Underwood, filed a lawsuit against the Donald Trump Foundation with a view to liquidating it.

According to the prosecutor, over the course of more than a decade, there has been "constant illegal behavior that includes extensive unlawful political coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and intentional transactions serving the personal and business interests of Trump, and violations of basic legal obligations for non-profit foundations."