The new evidence is a recent birth certificate and which Upsala Nya Tidning was the first to report. According to the birth certificate, the girl should not be 14 but 15 years old at the occasions on which the judgment is based.

Thus, Sarfo's defender Thomas Bodström is of the opinion that it is not a rape against children and that the verdict is thus incorrect.

Kingsley Sarfo has constantly admitted that he had a sexual relationship with the girl but that it should have happened voluntarily and that he believed she was older.

Expulsion is stopped

Thus, the Supreme Court has now decided to postpone the deportation of Kingsley Sarfo for the time being, as the prosecutor has reopened the preliminary investigation with the new evidence.

- It is a very positive decision. By resuming the preliminary investigation, he will have another chance and trial of this. In addition, he will not be expelled during the trial. If it goes well, he gets the right, a raise and a residence permit, Sarfo's lawyer Thomas Bodström tells UNT.

SVT News Skåne has sought Kingsley Sarfo's defender.