Bosco Ntaganda is known as the Congolese Terminator. He was charged with crimes committed in 2002–2003 when he was a senior leader in the UPC militia in the Ituri region of eastern Congo. He was sentenced, among other things, for murder, recruitment of child soldiers, rape and for displacing people from their homes.

The case has been described as the first time that the ICC convicted someone of sexual slavery. Ntaganda kept two girls, nine and eleven years old, as sexual slaves. The rape convictions against him are seen as part of his war crimes. He has also used children under 15 as soldiers at the front.

Focused on civilians

According to prosecutors, the militia group under Ntaganda's leadership has killed at least 800 people. In a massacre in a village, 49 people were killed with slips, knives and machetes and then mutilated. According to the judgment, Ntaganda must have given specific orders to target, and kill, civilians.

Surrendered himself

Bosco Ntaganda surrendered itself to the United States in 2013, according to the BBC because of losing a power struggle in its own militia group. He is the fourth person convicted in the ICC since they were formed in 2002.

Ntaganda is sentenced to the highest penalty for his various crimes, a maximum of 30 years in prison. It is the highest penalty so far awarded in court.