- Many of the savings proposals that have been made, we as elected representatives could not accept. We want to save with major structural changes in the long term, says Per Svensson (S), the chairman of the municipal council in Falkenberg.

The savings proposal for the budget has gone from 52 million, ie two percent of the municipality's operations, to almost 33 million, ie 1.3 percent.

Maintains staff density

- We do not want to close rural schools and make the big savings on the school food that was previously proposed. Then there are some savings proposals in psychiatry that we do not want to implement either, says Per Svensson (S).

Furthermore, they say they want to keep the same staff density in school, preschool and care.

The new savings proposal gives priority to the Board of Children and Education. The politicians want to provide them with the conditions for keeping the budget in 2021. Among other things, by adding SEK 15 million and completing the preschool investment with reduced child groups and increased staff density.

No "bragging"

At the same time, the municipality has major investments ahead of a total of SEK 1.7 billion. A big challenge, says Per Svensson (S).

- We have to review every project and not build the boast building, but instead schools that fulfill their function. If it is not necessary, we will not do it, because we cannot afford it, he explains.

In the clip, Per Svensson explains how the municipality should save the 33 million.