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The day after the electoral debate there is only one question: who won the debate? No wonder, therefore, that on Tuesday all the media carry their own survey on who triumphed in the debate. Most of the surveys are still open and these are the data taken at 11.00.

Pedro Sánchez (PSOE), Pablo Casado (PP), Pablo Iglesias (United We Can), Albert Rivera (Cs) and Santiago Abascal (Vox) faced last night for the first time the only face to face that will be between them in these elections. Each used their own weapons and each one believed himself a winner. But for the citizens, who was really the winner? All digital media agree on two data, the first, that the winner of the debate was Santiago Abascal and, the second, that Albert Rivera was the big loser .

According to the EL MUNDO survey, with more than 400,000 votes , the undisputed winner of the night was the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, who has voted more than 52% . It is followed by Pablo Casado, with 18.6%; Pedro Sánchez, with 12.2%, Pablo Iglesias, with 10.2% and, lastly, Albert Rivera with 6.5%.

The ABC survey also gives Santiago Abascal a winner with 49% and more than 60,000 participants. It is followed by the leader of the PP, with 23%, Sánchez, with 15%, Pablo Iglesias, with 8% and, lastly, Albert Rivera, with 5%.

The results of the El País survey follow the same dynamic. With 169,179 votes and after having been closed at dawn for "informative reasons" , readers of El País also give victory to Santiago Abascal, with 35.43% of the votes.

In second place is the President of the Government in office, who obtains 20.34%, followed by Pablo Iglesias very closely, with 19.26%. Fourth, Pablo Casado, with 12.52% of the votes and, again, Rivera, as the loser of the night with 4.8%. In addition, more than 7.5% of those who voted consider that none of the candidates won the electoral debate .

In the La Vanguardia survey, in which more than 48,000 people participated, the Vox leader is once again rated as the best in the debate with 37% of the votes. They are followed by Sánchez, with 25%, Pablo Iglesias, with 22% and quite far away, Casado, with 9% and lastly Rivera, with 3%. For 2% of La Vanguardia readers, nobody won the debate.

In La Razón , the Vox leader is still the big winner and by quite a difference. For 48% of the 146,043 participants, Santiago Abascal was the winner, followed by Pablo Casado, with 21%, Pedro Sánchez, with 16%, Pablo Iglesias, with 10% and Rivera, in last position, with 5 % .

For the participants in the eldiario.es survey, in which 128,707 people participated so far, the winner of the debate was the leader of United Podemos with 48% of the votes. The second place is given to Pedro Sánchez, with 27% of the votes, the third to Santiago Abascal, with 17%, the fourth to Casado, with 6% and with only 2%, Albert Rivera, the Big loser of the date.

The Elconfidencial.com survey, in which 126,719 readers participated, the winner is Santiago Abascal again with 43% of the votes. With 20% the socialist leader follows, with 18% Married, with 13% Iglesias and in last position, with 6%, Albert Rivera.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • General elections
  • Spain
  • Politics
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Pablo Casado
  • Albert rivera
  • Santiago Abascal Count
  • Pablo Iglesias

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