A team dedicated to the restoration of a saddle used by Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1842-1918) during his horse riding started in a workshop at Yildiz Shala Ottoman Palace in Istanbul, 141 years after its manufacture.

The historic saddle consists of three sections, and was made by Circassian Sergeant Omar bin Chgandak in 1878.It is considered one of the most important collections of the national palaces.

She explained that the restoration work will take between two and four months, expressing her happiness for the restoration of its saddle Sultan Abdul Hamid.

Sultan Abdulhamid is the 34th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. He took the throne at the age of 34. He is the son of Sultan Abdulmajid I, the owner of the largest material and social reforms in the country.

Abdul Hamid received regular education in the Royal Palace at the hands of selected elite men of his time note and creation, and learned from Arabic and Persian languages ​​and studied history and loved literature and deepened in the science of mysticism and organized some poetry in Ottoman Turkish.