• Catalonia: A court in Barcelona studies asking the Supreme Court for the imputation of former Regional Minister Laura Borràs

Judicial scandal in full electoral campaign. The Prosecutor's Office of Barcelona has asked the Court of Instruction number 9 of Barcelona to send to the Supreme Court the investigation against the head of the list of Junts Per Catalunya (JxCat) in the November elections to Congress, Laura Borràs, after verifying that she committed alleged irregularities in the hiring of a former collaborator of his when he was in charge of the Institution de les Lletres Catalanes. Although the request of the Prosecutor's Office is from the end of November, as this media has been able to know, the court finalizes the sending of the procedure to the Supreme Court when considering that there are indications of a crime that should be investigated.

Specifically, the court initiated an investigation into a computer scientist who had worked for the Institut for other crimes related to public health, defrauding the electric bill and counterfeiting currency. It was then that the Mossos d'Esquadra found signs of irregularity in three contracts worth 45,550 euros granted by Borràs, when he was in charge of the cultural institution between 2013 and 2018 , to this collaborator. After analyzing the documentation, the Prosecutor's Office believes that there could be some type of crime in hiring and that is why he asked the court to bring the cause to the Supreme Court since the JxCat candidate is settled.

In this sense, the court, which finalizes the submission to the Supreme Court, believes that this court is the competent one for the investigation since Borràs maintains its status as a member of the Permanent Delegation. When there is evidence of a crime after a year of investigations, it is when the court asked Congress last July for "the certification" that it held this position, a procedure that was considered the previous step of the court to determine the affront.

Upon hearing Borràs, by the Congress itself, of this petition, his lawyer Gonzalo Boye presented a brief before the Court of Instruction number 9 of Barcelona in which he requested the nullity of the case, despite the fact that the current candidate and former counselor was not charged , since the magistrate was not competent for her instruction due to afreement issues. The letter remarked that since the beginning of the investigation more than a year ago, «there was an obvious, clear, precise, concrete data that prevented the objective competence to investigate from being attributed» to Borràs since it was settled , first before the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia, as deputy and then before the Supreme Court.

After the dissolution of the Courts with the call for elections, Borràs did not lose his status as a member of the Permanent Deputation and that is why the court now sends the reasoned statement to the Supreme Court to open the corresponding investigation as long as this court considers that There are criminal indications.

The investigation came to light after filtering the media by the Mossos, with a court order, of the Center for Telecommunications and Information Technologies (CTTI), where the emails of all the departments of the Government are housed. It was then that Borràs, who at that time was a councilor for Culture, went to the Parliament to explain that he never committed irregularities at the head of the Institution de les Lletres Catalanes (ILC) or granted finger contracts. In addition, he noted that orders up to 18,000 euros, which did not require a public tender, were awarded after receiving three budgets, which was not mandatory but was made "with the added value of good practice." He said that the activity of the Institution was adjusted "to legality" once again remarked that it has not received any judicial notification on this matter and considers that the investigation intends to defame it for its political ideology.

The operation of Mossos in the CTTI was about to provoke a government crisis in the Generalitat since Borràs herself committed the indiscretion, knowing the police action, of ensuring that "when I spoke with the Minister Buch and received the support samples public and private, he told me it was the judicial police, that the Mossos were not investigating me. " In this way he compromised the actions of the head of Interior and the Mossos Miquel Buch, so the Department clarified that the Minister explained by message to Borràs that the investigation "was under summary secrecy and that the Mossos acted as judicial police."

In a few weeks, after holding the elections, the Supreme Court must decide whether to accept the reasoned statement of the court of Barcelona and admit the request for investigation of the JxCat candidate who has become head of the list of training for Barcelona after that the 1-O ruling would disable politicians in prison, such as Jordi Sanchez, who was number 1 .

The investigation, in which more people from the institution could be involved, focuses on 2015 contracts of 17,650 euros for Migració dels continguts de l'antic portal "Què llegeixes ?, disseny, programming and development ; in October 2016 , for 11,850 euros, in concept of Desenvolupament àrees National Poetry Festival to the ILC portal ; and in February 2017, for 16,050 euros, in concept of Creation and Maintenance of Any Bertrana web site.The three websites are closed, explained Borràs in the Parlament.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Supreme Court
  • Barcelona
  • Junts per Catalunya
  • Jordi Sanchez
  • Gonzalo Boye
  • Mossos d'Esquadra
  • Health
  • Catalonia

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