“A great person with courage and humility” Mr. Nakamizumi, UN Secretary-General, November 1, 21:08

For the first time as a Japanese, UNHCR = High Commissioner of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Sadako Ogata, who passed away last month, He was a great man who had the courage to make a decision, but never forgets humility. "

Mr. Nakaman was working under Mr. Ogata when he had just started his career as a UN employee at UNHCR, and he has been scolded as an "instructor".

As for the impression when working with Ogata for the first time on the spot, Mr. Nakaman said, “At first, there were few employees who were not well-known and welcomed because they were scholars. I made a big decision to support the IDP who didn't go beyond.The leaders are those who have the courage to make a groundbreaking decision by convincing all the executive staff to oppose, I felt fresh. "

On top of that, he praised the leadership of Ogata at that time, “I was always very close to the refugees, taking care of the interests of those who were always the weakest.

On the other hand, “When I gave a track record, Mr. Ogata said,“ When I was a high commissioner, the Cold War was over and the composition of the world changed so much that I was lucky to be there. ” I always remembered my humble attitude, such as speaking. "

And everyone asked about the personality of Ogata, and when Mrs. Ogata said, he recalled that the whole organization was united.

Also, regarding the position of a Japanese woman working for an organization called the UN, “Ogata-san was often told that women can make a detour and their priorities may change depending on the stage. If you can meet again, I will tell young people what I learned from Ogata, and I will do my best. I wanted to do it. "