• Liliana Segre and hate messages on social networks: "They are people who need to be treated, you have to be sorry"
  • Anti-Semitism, avalanche of social insults against Liliana Segre


30 October 2019

With 151 votes in favor and 98 abstentions (Lega, Forza Italia and Fratelli d'Italia) the hall of Palazzo Madama approved the majority motion signed at first by Liliana Segre, for the establishment of an extraordinary commission to combat phenomena of intolerance and racism, anti-Semitism and incitement to hatred and violence.

The vote was received with a long applause from all over the hemicycle, which turned towards the life senator Segre.

The motion provides for the Commission to be composed of 25 members with tasks of observation, study and initiative for guidance and control of intolerance, racism, anti-Semitism and incitement to hatred and violence against people or social groups on the basis of of ethnicity, religion, origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or other particular physical or mental conditions.

The Commission monitors and directs the concrete implementation of the supranational and international conventions and agreements and of the national legislation concerning the phenomena of intolerance, racism, anti-Semitism and incitement to hatred and violence, in their various manifestations of racial, ethnic-national type , religious, political and sexual, and will also have a proactive, stimulating and stimulating function in the elaboration and implementation of legislative proposals, and will also promote any other useful initiative at national, supranational and international level.

In the focus there will be above all the hate speech phenomena, the increasingly proliferating speeches of hatred on the web, forms of expressions that spread, incite, promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, anti-Semitism or more generally the intolerance, but also nationalisms and ethnocentrisms, abuses and harassment, epithets, prejudices, stereotypes and insults that stigmatize and insult.

Liliana Segre, a veteran of the Holocaust, according to the recent report of the Observatory on anti-Semitism, receives an average of 200 anti-Semitic insults a day. According to the senator of the Democratic Party Monica Cirinnà "my colleague Segre is a beacon of lucidity, balance, passion for freedom, equality and mutual respect. The establishment of a special commission is important to start mending the social fabric and civilian in this country, to return to a responsible use of language at every level and above all to learn to recognize violence and therefore to identify the most appropriate tools to combat it ".