Rather than enjoying his old age and retirement, he chose to take the front pages of major French and international newspapers by launching an armed attack on a mosque in the city of Bayonne (southwestern France), an attack that was not described as terrorist as usual with similar incidents. .

Claude Senki, a former military candidate and former candidate of the far-right National Front party (later renamed the National Rally), decided on Monday afternoon to attack the city mosque.

He came to the mosque in the afternoon, with a petrol canister that he wanted to burn the mosque there, but he was surprised by two people preparing the hall for prayer.

Claude then shot them, one of them directly in the neck, and the other man was shot in the arm. One of the victims is 78 years old and the other is 74 years old. Sinky then drove to a car near the mosque, setting it ablaze.

When police stormed his home on the outskirts of Bayonne, they found weapons in his possession that French media said were licensed.

Those newspapers quoted a number of his neighbors as saying that they were avoiding greeting him because he was tongue-tongue.

The perpetrator of the attack to the authorities that he did in retaliation for the fire of the Church of Notre Dame, which he believes that some Muslims caused the burning!

Le Monde confirmed on Wednesday that Senki did not hide his admiration for the far-right writer Eric Zimmor, and meet with him to hate Muslims.

The competent French authorities were quick to request a medical report revealing the eligibility of the perpetrator for trial and to prove whether he was discriminatory during the attack.

It was interesting to announce the agent of the Republic of the city of Bayon that the preliminary results of the medical examination proved the suffering of the old offender from the "partial delay" in his ability to distinguish, which affects his ability to control his actions.

While some activists on the websites expressed fear that the report would be a step to exempt the attacker from criminal follow-up, others believe that the accused's confession and the seriousness of his actions, makes it difficult not to follow the judicial, especially with two people seriously injured With his firearm.

Great tension
The incident came amid political and media tension in France against the French citizens who condemn Islam, after the outbreak of the veiled mother who accompanied her son in mid-this month in a school graduate to a regional council in one of the regions of France, which angered the French team from the far right, hastened to demand the removal Her headscarf or being taken out of the headquarters for breaking the law, which made her son cry in her arms.

She then stated that the incident shattered her life, made her feel fearful, understood why French Muslim women did not participate in school activities, and revealed that when she left the regional council headquarters she met a former elected member of the extreme National Front Party (National Assembly later) and violence. Her "We are happy that the Russians are coming." This statement was later repudiated by the right-wing MP, who demanded the expulsion of the veiled woman from the Council.

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In the aftermath of the incident, the endless debate began to begin until the headscarf, Islam, France and terrorism in the French media were written, electronic, video and audio, where intellectual and political figures criticized the exclusion of veiled from the public debate, and focus - in most cases - on hosting personalities confused concepts and keen to emphasize However, the veil is a threat to the values ​​of the secular French state.

Legally, the Senate on Tuesday acted on the initiative of the far-right majority within it, and adopted a bill by 163 votes to 114, which provides for the prohibition of religious symbols during school graduation.

Education Minister Jean-Michel Blancer was quick to oppose the bill, which French media reports say will not be passed in the National Assembly.

But the uproar caused by the bill, even if it is not ratified, and with the ongoing harassment and harassment of veiled women in France, has made many citizens of Islam express their fear of the repercussions of developments in the country of lights on their situation, and their eyes towards Bayon, and will follow-up The offender is 84 years old, or will he be relieved with medical arguments?

Despite the assurances of President Emmanuel Macron to his fellow Muslims, and his pledge to protect them, stressing that "the French Republic will not tolerate hatred; and will take all measures to punish the perpetrators and protect our Muslim citizens, and I am committed to it," the succession of incidents of Islamophobia, and the media focus on the issues of the veil and Muslims, The extreme right's quest to gain more political space within French institutions at the expense of veiled Muslims and instead of offering programs of economic and social action, many believe that these concerns are justified, and will not disappear as long as the causes of the existing.