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October 29, 2019

The majority summit at Palazzo Chigi was concluded to agree on the final details concerning the 2020 budget bill. There was full political agreement to confirm all the support measures for the modernization of the country, to favor digitalisation and green turnaround, to support families and welfare, to strengthen business growth, to support investments and simplify the taxation of local authorities. The Government has been updated at 3.30 pm tomorrow for final approval and to agree to send the text to Parliament. This is what we read in a note from Palazzo Chigi. It is not expected, the sources explain, a new passage in the Council of Ministers of the Budget law that had been approved "subject to agreements".

The meeting took place at Palazzo Chigi, in the presence of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, Economy Roberto Gualtieri and Fraccaro, Marattin, Castelli, Misiani, De Petris and Speranza to agree on the last details concerning the 2020 budget bill.

Industry 4.0 and families
By 2020 there will be 140 million more to finance industry 4.0: the three years will be 420 million more. This was explained by sources of Palazzo Chigi at the end of the summit. In the maneuver there are also 600 million euros for measures in favor of families. The MEF technicians, the sources explain, are working to remodulate the roofs following the decisions taken today. In the maneuver, the 3 billion cut in the tax wedge is confirmed for the benefit of workers.

Start of budget session
In the sessions of the Chamber from 5 to 7 November, where the Budget Bill is presented in a timely manner, the communications of the President of the Senate on the proper content of the provision with the maneuver that start the budget session. This was reported to the Assembly by the current president, Roberto Calderoli.

De Petris, there is agreement
"There is a substantial agreement on the maneuver, the plant is what you know, there was an absolutely calm and positive climate." Thus stated Loredana De Petris leaving Palazzo Chigi after the majority summit on the maneuver. "Thursday or Friday should be presented in the Senate," he added. "The fixed coupon on rents with agreed rent will remain at 10% permanently". The LeU parent company to the Senate Loredana De Petris reiterated, after the end of the meeting in which it was expected to set the coupon at 12.5%. "Other positive innovations will come on the flat rate for VAT, adds De Petris, underlining the positive atmosphere of the meeting. Plastic tax and sugar tax remain ."

Misiani, positive climate
"Positive climate, we are completing the work on the budget maneuver. We have done a deepening, a job of filing. The good news is that we have found the resources to leave 10 percent to the coupon on the rents with agreed fee and therefore we give a hand to the families who live in rented rent with an agreed fee and we have recovered resources to lighten the tax burden ". This was stated by Deputy Economy Minister Antonio Misiani at the end of the majority-government summit at Palazzo Chigi. "The resources - he explains - we have recovered them with careful revision work, I believe it is excellent news for many Italian families. The work we are doing goes in the right direction".

Marattin, resources from the games
You will find the resources to keep the fixed coupon at 10 percent on the rents with agreed rent and, in this sense, "there is a reasoning in progress regarding the gaming sector" why "when you are lucky enough to win a sum is right that the taxation is fair ". This was explained by Luigi Marattin, from Italia Viva, leaving Palazzo Chigi at the end of the majority summit.

"We have canceled the tax on the dry coupon, but there are important steps to take in the coming weeks to try to improve it. The goal for us was to avoid the increase in VAT." This was stated by the leader of Italia Viva, Matteo Renzi, stressing that "the real goal is to reach the end of the legislature in 2023" with a cost of debt interest of 50 billion dollars. The cost "must be reduced" adds Renzi, specifying however how "we have avoided the Salvini tax".