It took between three to five hours for three medical technicians to empty the magnet of energy, without the precious helium being ejected.

And on Tuesday night, the forensic technicians initiated an investigation into the scene of the accident.

"Interesting objects"

- Now we can start working and we are mainly interested in the objects that may be in the camera of the MR-wagon and they are likely to be forwarded for investigations, says forensic engineer Peter Wäppling.

Have you seen hand splits, a baton and a weight vest, that should have stuck to the camera?

- I do not want to comment on what we have seen, but as I said, what is interesting will be sent on investigation and all information goes to the preliminary investigator, says Peter Wäppling.

In operation in a week

The medical technician Heimir Snorrason thinks that the closure of the magnetic fields went well given the circumstances.

- There is nothing wrong with the MR camera. We could have the mobile car in operation next week again, but it depends on the police investigation, he says.

Up to and including Sunday, 120 booked patients have lost their exam times and Sunderby Hospital is now working hard to get new appointments elsewhere.