• France blocks EU negotiations for the accession of Albania and Northern Macedonia


October 29, 2019 "Northern Macedonia is the thirtieth country of NATO. Skopje also deserves to join the EU. Negotiations began in 2005. We do not understand the concrete reasons for not starting this path. This also applies to Albania". Thus stated the President of the Council, Giuseppe Conte, at the end of the meeting at Palazzo Chigi with the northern Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev. "I consider it a very serious historical mistake - continues Conte - to which we must quickly remedy. Skopje has already signed treaties with Greece and Bulgaria".

Conte emphasizes that Italy will continue to fight at European level to ensure that EU negotiations begin with North Macedonia and Albania. "European integration - says Conte - is the only possible option". Regarding bilateral relations, Conte remarks that Italy is the fifth trading partner of Northern Macedonia with an annual 614 million euro interchange. "Italy and the Italians - says Conte to the people of North Macedonia - will always support you".