It was when the Finnish ferry Silja Symphony arrived in Stockholm on Sunday that a technical error was discovered on the ship's stabilizers.

- Our crew and experts worked on solving it but were unable to do so, so we decided to cancel the departure and also the return trip from Helsinki tomorrow, says Oscar Brehmer.

According to him, the stabilizers are a comfort factor that does not affect the safety of the ship, but the decision was made to cancel the departure.

May spend the night in port

Of the 2,000 passengers, most have chosen to stay on the ship to spend the night there. But the ship will not leave the port in Stockholm.

- There was a small group of international passengers who were to board a flight tomorrow from Helsinki that we moved to our Aboli line.

When will the problem be fixed?

- If we do not get any other information then Silja Symphony will be back in traffic on October 30. We hope so, but it remains to be seen, ”says Brehmer.