Many people may wonder about the ideal time to exercise: morning or evening? What is the best time for the body?

This is certainly a question for many who wish to see that these exercises are reflected as quickly as possible on the health and structure of the body.

The specialists conducted scientific experiments to determine the ideal time to perform the exercises, and provided data that can facilitate the answer to this question and determine the schedule you set for the performance of exercise.

You have certainly heard of the "dynamic rhythm" or "internal clock" that affects many things in our behaviors, especially sleep.

Muscles also have such a dynamic rhythm, according to a study by researchers from Northwestern University in Chicago.

The body's response to exercise varies depending on the time of day. According to the study, the optimal time is in the light of the day, where the ability to perform in most people is most severe.

The study attributed this to certain proteins that maintain the stability of the process of metabolism within the body when oxygen levels in muscle cells decrease during exercise.

These proteins are when you are very awake, so researchers recommend that you use the lunch break to go to the gym.

In spite of this recommendation, determining the ideal time to perform exercise often remains difficult, as it also varies from person to person, as well as related to the type of exercise and purpose.

Therefore, you do not have to exercise before sunset always, who wants to exercise in the morning or evening, he must observe the following rules:

Exercise features am
Given testosterone levels, exercise is better in the morning, with levels up to 35% higher than in the evening. Testosterone provides energy and supports muscle growth.

Also, exercise in the morning is reflected positively on the rhythm of sleep, who starts at seven in the morning can sleep better at night than people who exercise in the evening, as revealed by a study of the University of Appalachian in North Carolina.

You can be your role model in that American actor and wrestler Dwayne Douglas Johnson, starting his exercises daily at 4:30 am.

If the purpose of exercise is to burn fat, endurance athletes and people who want to lose weight should start in the morning, preferably before breakfast, because they will burn up to 20 percent more fat, according to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition.

This is because blood sugar, insulin and glycogen levels are then lower than normal after waking up, so the body is likely to start consuming fat reserves.

Evening workout features
The level of cortisol and the stress hormone that can promote muscle contraction is three quarters higher in the morning than in the evening and night.

It might be good to know that Jamaican legend Usain Bolt, the eight-time Olympic gold medalist in athletics, has set his records almost all after sunset.

Also, the energy level in the body is at its lowest in the morning time and increases evenly during the day to be peak in the evening.

This means that to get positive results for strength training you should work out in the evening, and this advice applies to all types of exercise, as your performance in endurance exercises such as running or cycling is not affected by a specific time of day.

However, it is important for evening exercises to finish them at least two hours before you go to sleep or else the blood circulation inside the body will remain active, which affects its vital rhythm and deprives you of a restful sleep.

Here's the bottom line: more energy in the morning, less stress in the evening, who goes to workout in the morning can get more energy, higher levels of testosterone, higher metabolism, and better sleep, while exercise in the evening has more strength and less tension.