The verdict is about what happened in Gothenburg on September 30, 2017 during the Book Fair. The prosecution involved two different crimes, violent riots and incitement against ethnic groups, and a total of 16 people were charged. Five of them were convicted of violent riots, while two were convicted of the crime. All those charged with incitement against ethnic groups were released in the district court.

A man from Kungsbacka was one of those charged with incitement against ethnic groups. During the demonstration, according to the judgment, he must have worn a helmet and shield for the purpose of protection. The jacket must have had the NMR's symbol of the bull-round on the chest and the text Nordic Resistance Movement on the back. He admits that he has been on the scene, but denies anger towards the public.

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Defense lawyer Svante Thorsell: "The case will certainly be appealed, because it contains a restriction on freedom of expression" Photo: TT / SVT

Discussed symbol

The district court writes in the judgment that the jackets on which some of the defendants wore that day - with the NMR's symbol of the tyrant run - do not in themselves constitute harassment against people's groups. The district court also writes that:

"The district court considers that the overall impression of the protesters as a whole, even taking into account the equipment and impression of the bearers, is not military, nor does it provide unambiguous links to the national socialist viewpoint in the 1930s and 1940s in Germany."

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See what it looked like during parts of the NMR demonstration on September 30, 2017 Photo: TT