Iraq, anti-government protests (Ansa)

  • Iraq, the wave of protests continues: around 100 dead
  • Iraq, independent media report: "Dozens of protesters killed by government snipers"


25 October 2019Other 11 protesters died during today's protests in Iraq while setting fire to the headquarters of a powerful armed faction in the city of Diwaniya, in the south of the country. The AFP reports this. The burning in the offices of the Badr organization was the incident with the most victims of the day today, with protests against the government that resumed with virulence throughout the country.

The Iraqi Commission for Human Rights has declared that 30 protesters have died today while more than two thousand are injured, hit by gunfire or by tear gas during marches in Baghdad and in the south of the country. Summing up the 11 victims of Diwaniya, the current budget is 41 dead.

In a speech last night to the nation, the Iraqi prime minister, Adil Abdelmahdi, promised, shortly after that the protesters began to gather in central Baghdad, which next week will carry out a government reshuffle.