SEK 290,000 in more grants or that Flens municipality takes over the entire Malmköping IF plant, these are the two alternatives that the association is now hoping for when seeking temporary support from the municipality. At the same time, Malmköpings IF is the sports association that receives the most contributions from everyone in Flens municipality.

- It is not possible to compare our plant with others. Only we in the municipality have an artificial green and it becomes more expensive to operate, says Ulf Krath.

Art green for millions

In June 2014, the long-awaited Art Green on Malmaheden's IP was completed. After the Board of Directors tried for over a year to get the municipality to finance the plan, and got no, they decided to do so on their own initiative.

- Sporting was the right decision, had we not had this plan we would not have had the business we have today. But it became too expensive, says Ulf Krath.

The artificial turf dream was costly

But even though the artificial turf has given several opportunities to train outdoors, according to Malmköpings IF, the plan is a major reason for the financial problems that the association has faced with the past four years.

The association managed to get through the artificial turf dream with the help of million loans from the bank, grants from the General Heritage Foundation, Sisi, the Swedish Football Association and private individuals. The sum landed at SEK 6.1 million.

But how have you managed your finances?

- We were too optimistic when we built this plan. It was too expensive and the money was not there, debts have been consistently pushed forward for many years.

Terminated all employees

Today, the association owes the bank SEK 2.2 million and has several debts to a number of different companies. The association has also had a tax liability with Kronofogden. To try to get the association going around, you have cake sales and you have also dismissed all employees.

To get out of the crisis, the association now hopes for the municipality's help. The issue will be addressed in the municipal council in early November

- There are two alternatives, either you take over the plant or temporarily help us, or the association disappears, says Ulf Krath.