Keigo Sakakibara “Kanori” coverage Opposition party pursuit policy 25 October 6:30

The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Hagiwara reported that a secretary handed incense in the constituency. On the 25th, the opposition party will strengthen the pursuit of the House of Representatives Economic and Industrial Committee.

In 2007, the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Hagiwara distributed gifts to voters in their own constituencies around 2007, and the secretary handed incense to the supporters living in the constituencies this month. It was reported.

In response, the opposition party has a policy of strengthening the pursuit of the House of Representatives Economic and Industrial Committee held on the 25th, as it may violate the Public Office Election Law and cannot be overlooked.

Then, unless a convincing explanation was obtained, the chairman of the Constitutional Democratic Party's response to the National Assembly for Azumi said, “If it is true, we will take responsibility”.

Mr. Sugawara told reporters that “I will explain it at the Diet” and will explain the facts at the committee.

On the other hand, inside the ruling party, in addition to the opinion calling for fulfilling accountability, there are also voices of concern that it may develop into the issue of ministers' advancement and retreat.