• The factory of fear: the complete video of the episode of Report


October 23, 2019Support and solidarity to the transmission of Rai3, Report, dedicated to "Moscopoli", or "all'affaire" Russia-League, aired last Monday in prime time and followed by over 2 million and 150 thousand viewers, comes from the various souls of the center-left after the harsh criticism has fallen right on the transmission, highlighting that it was unwise to transmit such an inquiry a few days before the vote in Umbria. The reactions:

Zingaretti, no one complains Report
"Freedom of expression is defended in the public service. If someone has to express different opinions or provide alternative versions, he has the right to do so. But no one can censor it." So on twitter the secretary of the Pd.

Di Nicola (M5s), attack on freedom of information
"I understand that during the Rai Board of Directors meeting that took place today, the League and Brothers councilors of Italy heavily attacked the transmission Report for the service broadcast on the so-called 'Moscopoli'. Attacking freedom of information in this way and the freedom of inquiry is an attack on article 21 of the Constitution which really leaves you speechless: my solidarity with all RAI journalists and with Report ". This was stated by the vice president of the Rai Supervisory Commission, Primo Di Nicola.

Fratoianni (Leu), against the muzzle to journalists
"In Italy it can happen that Northern League executives run away from journalists' questions, the last case being the report's investigation. And then in the rooms of power they will seek revenge by unleashing their own praetorians, as they did today at the RAI board of directors." This was stated by Nicola Fratoianni of the Italian Left-Leu after the protests of the right-wing councilors in the RAI Board of Directors against the Rai3 broadcast which on Monday broadcast a report on relations between the League and Russian representatives. "Instead of explaining to the public opinion - continues the MP from Leu - their acts and the reason for their embarrassing international connections, they invent excuses to try to muzzle journalists with a straight back. It is the Italian right - concludes Fratoianni - beauty! ".

Taradash (+ Eu), a clumsy attempt at censorship
"I cannot believe, as a former chairman of the Rai Supervisory Commission, that the directors of the Lega and FdI in the Rai board of directors have appealed to the par condicio law to censor the transmission of the Report dedicated to the Savoini affair and the ties international of the League with Putin and the extreme political and religious Russian and American It would in fact be difficult even for the most experienced Kremlin secret service agent to identify any relationship between the regional elections of Umbria and the ramified network of interests that it has at its center Salvini. " This was stated by Marco Taradash, member of the office of Più Europa. "The Report service on the background of Salvini's rise to the top of Italian politics - he continues - is an example of excellent journalism for the quantity and reliability of the documentation exhibited, for the research below, for the proposal to offer his own version of events addressed scrupulously to all the protagonists of the events narrated, such as Salvini himself, Senator Pillon, the head of Forza Nuova Roberto Fiore, the philosopher and adviser of Putin Alexander Dugin, the oligarch and financier of the European nationalist right-wing movements Konstantin Malofeev and "Many others. Almost all of them answered the questions of the Report except the members of the Northern League. If they have lost an opportunity for electoral leadership, it is their sole responsibility. We - Taradash concludes - continue to question why they have, in such an unusual way for them, rejected the television spotlight. But maybe we are a bit naive. "

On Raiplay the full video

Fiano (Pd), Cda Rai takes care of the drop in audience figures
"It seems that the right-wing members of the RAI Board of Directors, instead of worrying about the depth of the audience in some programs conceived and launched during the sovranista season, still alive in the public service, waste time censoring the information of the Report that has simply divulged the dangerous business plots around Salvini and a disquieting design that aimed to hit Italy's position in the Atlantic alliance and in the European Union, "says Emanuele Fiano, PD deputy and member of the group's bureau in a Note. "Facts of which Salvini has not yet provided answers in Parliament and for which we have presented parliamentary questions. Salvini will stop running away, hands off Report," he concludes.

The controversy
According to reports from the agencies Adnkronos and LaPresse, the controversy was born during the Rai Board held today in Viale Mazzini. Against the program the center-right councilors were hurled, namely Igor De Biasio (Lega) and Gianpaolo Rossi (FdI). The two asked the CEO, Fabrizio Salini, to verify the violation of the par condicio, given the vote for the Regionals in Umbria on Sunday. Councilor Giampolo Rossi, according to reports from the Adnkronos, would have stigmatized the choice made by the program conducted by Sigfrido Ranucci. Rossi would have complained about the timing, pointing out how it would have been very different, and not objectionable, if the same episode had aired a week after the vote in Umbria. In this second case the choice of Report, according to Rossi, would have been part of the legitimate editorial freedom of the program. Having said that, Rossi would have shown anyway that in his personal opinion there is a difference between investigative journalism and theorem journalism. Going back to the time frame chosen by the report for the investigation into the relations between the League and Russia, Rossi would have asked Ad Salini to check whether there have been violations of the par condicio regulation.