- Filling my car full costs a thousand dollars and I need to drive a lot. I have to go into town and we don't have as good finances, says Felicia Oliveskog, who lives in Väte in the middle of the island.

In Barlinbo, not far from there, Patrik von Corswant runs agriculture. He thinks that gasoline prices should be sharply raised so that we change our way of life.

- It would create alternative fuels and vehicles, and if we did not have gasoline, we would be forced to work in other ways.

Most cars on Gotland

Gotland has the lowest wages in the country - but at the same time the most cars per inhabitant.

In the 1970s, the Gotlanders had about as many cars as they had elsewhere in the country, just over 300 cars / 1000 inhabitants. But that figure has risen sharply, not least in recent years. And now Gotland is the only region with over 600 cars / 1000 inhabitants. The national average today is 477.

We had Felicia Oliveskog and Patrik von Corswant meet to discuss increased or lower gasoline prices. See the discussion in the report above.

Sweden meets

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