To enter a school in Sollefteå municipality you need a passport. The system identifies you and you also need your card to pass certain doors inside the property.

When the alarm goes off

Access card systems have been around for a long time, but what makes Sollefteå's system different is noticeable if an alarm goes off. If the alarm concerns something that may pose a threat to the school, staff can easily lock the school's doors with a mouse click.

The computer screen shows a map of the building and the staff can control both front doors and doors inside the property. When the danger is blown, it is just as easy to unlock everything again.

- Many schools have complete shell protection and it is constantly being expanded. In the near future, all schools in Sollefteå have this security, says Jörgen Byström real estate technician Sollefteå municipality.

More properties

In addition, Sollefteå municipality has introduced the system on more municipal properties. At present, twenty-five properties can be centrally managed. In addition to the security benefits, all key management is also avoided.