
SVT reporter Erik Leijonhufvud, reports from the accident site.

It was 11.40 am when the traffic accident alert came. According to information from the rescue service, the bus must have run into the cement truck's trailer.

Three people were taken by ambulance to hospital.

- There is a traffic jam. We work with traffic routing and will talk to the twelve passengers who were not taken to hospital and record other testimonies, said Daniel Wikdahl, spokesperson for the Mitt region at 12.15.

Both bus and truck must be towed from the site.

UL inserts a replacement bus

In addition to the three people taken by ambulance to hospital, twelve other passengers depart from the scene with a replacement bus.


See the truck damage after the collision.

- Now all our units have left the site so it should be fully accessible, says Tommy Wållberg, management operator at the Stockholm Rescue Center at 13.15.