Economy Minister Roberto Gualtieri (Ansa)

  • Count: cancel or reduce commissions on digital payments
  • M5s: we decisive in Parliament, immediately summit on Manovra
  • Conte: "Ok to anti-evasion plan, but also to reduce bureaucracy. We bring Italy into the future"
  • EU, ok of the Chamber with majority resolution on communications Conte
  • Maneuver, ok to dl on tax and budget "subject to agreements". Satisfied count: avoided VAT increase
  • Matteo Renzi's tenth Leopolda. "It will be back to the origins. Count? Rating goes up but GDP goes down"


October 18, 2019The economic maneuver stirs the majority but in the evening the Minister of the Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, who dampens the tone from the International Monetary Fund assures: "In a coalition government elements of divergence are physiological," he said, but " the maneuvering system does not change ". "The important thing is to find the synthesis," he added. The budget law deals with debt relief "put" on a downward trajectory "but" with credible "and" realistic "objectives," he said. Italy anyway "is no longer on the list of risks".

As for Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte's proposal of a single income tax rate of 20% for incomes up to € 28,000, the minister explained that "it is a strong hypothesis that falls within the framework of the elements that will be studied in depth". "We will work for a more organic tax reform oriented towards the principle of progressivity. The philosophy of the proposal goes in the direction of the reforms" of the government.

And the IMF has launched a warning from the US: Italy must initiate "a debt reduction path in the medium term" with "a credible commitment". The head of the European department of the Fund, Poul Thomsen, stressed that our country is characterized "by low growth and low productivity". Also from the work of Washington, the outgoing European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, said that Brussels "is analyzing Italy's maneuver and trying to figure out if the accounts are returning". However, he remarked that "there is no critical situation but this does not mean that there is no progress to be made".

The Bank of Italy also gave an initial assessment of the maneuver, which in the economic bulletin highlighted: the orientation of the budget policy "would be slightly expansive, reflecting the cancellation of the safeguard clauses - only partially offset by other measures - as well as others interventions ". Choices that are "motivated by a less favorable macroeconomic situation than expected and by a significant downside risk".

Today within the majority there was high tension on the maneuver with a pressing of the M5S and Matteo Renzi on Conte. The Star Blog asked for a summit on economic measures. From 5 Star Criticism on Taxation: no to measures that affect traders, professionals and entrepreneurs. We need instead a fight against the great evaders: from the roofs to the cash and the fines on the POS no resources are recovered. "Without us you don't go anywhere" the pentastellatos warned, but sources then specified that there is no ultimatum to the premier. Even the living leader of Italy Matteo Renzi attacked on quota 100: it is unfair, we will present an amendment. But the prime minister replied: quota 100 "is a pillar of the maneuver, all political forces have accepted it. Then I understand that a measure may like more or less," added Conte.