Surviving with Jimoto information October 18 22:06

Daily news that tells too much and serious damage caused by Typhoon # 19. However, what is necessary for each person to survive is detailed local information.

“The gymnasium is full (please evacuate to another school)”

For example, when a typhoon approaches and you try to go to an evacuation center, this information will be helpful. I covered a new movement.

(Network reporter reporter Naoya Saito and Shinichiro Kunisaka)

In the flooded government office in Marumori Town, Miyagi Prefecture

“The government office is flooded, manpower shortage, and damage is widespread, so it is difficult to get information from the government. This is when individuals share information collected with their feet and eyes to restore the town early. Let ’s aim! ”

As of October 18th, there are pages on Facebook that have over 1,400 registered users. This page is named “Marumori [Disaster / Recovery] Information Sharing Group”.

“Looking for a friend's mom”

Seriously, a post that asks for missing people. Photos of clothes, cars, etc. are posted on the page as if my friend's mother was not found.

For junior high school students who have been thrown into uniforms, there are also messages that call local graduates to donate old uniforms, and posts that have been written on roads and gas stations that are actually open.

Of course, basic information that is indispensable for daily life, such as water supply, cooking, and supply of goods, but local people are posting content that they thought was “important”.

Jimoto looking at you

Such a page was made even in Nagano Prefecture where the Chikuma River was flooded. One of the pages about Ueda City where damage was caused such as an iron bridge being washed away. Launched on the 13th of this month, about 500 people are registered.

“I felt it was necessary not only for text and maps on the government and TV, but also for the information that people living in the area actually saw with that line of sight.”

Yuri Sato, who started the group, points out:

The photo of the bus stop can be seen at a glance if a nearby person sees it. The photo of the embankment construction is also valuable information for locals who feel uneasy about whether it will rain again and flood.

“I can say this page”

Mr. Sato says there was an unexpected effect.

Local people who tend to refrain and cannot readily express the damage they have suffered. But on this page, I was able to write "I'm in trouble".

Mr. Sato, who saw it, informed the Social Welfare Council of the current situation, and a survey required to dispatch volunteers was conducted.

(Mr Sato)
“There has never been a wreckage so far, and it has become a source of heart for everyone who feels uneasy about disasters.”

The movement to seek Jimoto information in Tokyo

Such a movement was also seen in the big city Tokyo.

One of these pages is “Typhoon No.19 Information Sharing (Koto City)”. It was created during the day of this month, just before the typhoon hits directly.

“Even if you look at the TV news, there is only information on a nationwide scale. There was a thought,“ When is the information about Koto-ku coming out?

Junko Hateri, who launched the page, talks about the opportunity.

“Evacuation center is open” “Full!”

In this area, where the inundation damage was a concern between the Arakawa and Sumida Rivers, the information about the evacuation shelters grew before the typhoon approached.

On the page, a picture of a junior high school with a paper saying “I have a shelter” was posted.

A message was also added, saying “I have confirmed that I was urged to evacuate because there is an elderly person in front.”

The sight that the user actually saw, so you can head to the evacuation center with confidence.

There were also posts unique to Tokyo, which has a large population.

The photo shows that a large number of people were packed in the gymnasium that was designated as an evacuation center, and that a sticker with another evacuation center that could still be entered was written.

Consultation from anxiety

There was such a consultation.

“Since the glass door is broken in the strong wind on the 6th floor of the condominium, I asked you to open the gap and let the wind escape.

There was a writing after only 5 minutes.

“You should n’t open it.”
"Do not open windows"

In addition, there was a link to an article describing why the windows on the weather information site should not be opened. This page is registered by over 1300 people.

“Temporary neighborhood association” on SNS

As for the background of the interest, Mr. Hatori points out that "I feel secure about being connected."

(Mr. Junko Hatori)
“In Tokyo, there are many people who don't know who lives next door, and few people know nearby. In such circumstances, there are people who have the same anxiety and troubles at the time of disaster, and there are people who can consult. Wasn't it a big factor that led to a sense of security? "

In Koto Ward, the number of households has increased by more than 50,000 over the past 10 years, while the participation rate for residents' associations has dropped below 60%.

Under such circumstances, SNS connected people who did not know even if they lived in the same place, and played a role like a “temporary neighborhood association”.

What is required information?

One person, Erika Nakahara, who launched the page of Marumori Town, Miyagi Prefecture introduced at the beginning, ▽ Do not put uncertain information sources, ▽ Send information after specifying the date and time, etc. Certain rules Talking as follows with the need to protect

(Erika Nakahara)
“It is difficult for the government to handle all individual cases such as safety inquiries, but SNS feels that it is a strength to be able to consider each other. By having other people know, volunteers and other people who want to help can easily enter the area. "

A new movement in which local people share information essential to their lives.

“What is really needed information?” It did not seem to be asked by our media.