It has been turbulent within the social services unit for children and young people in Båstad. In an alarm report, it has emerged that police reports have not been made despite suspicions that children have been sexually abused and beaten.

In addition, it has emerged that reports of concern have been left lying and that there have been great errors in the documentation in various child cases. The shortcomings in the report go back to January 1, 2017.

Two bosses away

After the disclosure, one of the managers decided to leave his position in the social service.

It is now clear that even the chief of social services, as well as the head of the municipality, may temporarily step aside.

- We made the decision that during the investigation he should not work. He will be away from his job for a month, in the meantime we will go to the bottom with what has happened, says the Deputy Director Erik Lidberg.

The manager was taken off duty with immediate effect on Friday.

- We must look at the entire municipality's working methods. We cannot continue like this. To ensure that the external investigation becomes objective and not affected, he is temporarily removed from service, says Erik Lidberg.