The floating garbage can that creates a water swirl around it with the help of a vacuum will thus attract passing rubbish and will help the municipality get the water cleaner.

- It was a very welcome addition! It may not make such a big difference with a barrel, but it ends up in the right place where it goes past a lot of junk so we hope it will make a difference in that spot. Everything that can contribute to a better environment is good, says Fredrik Stengavel, head of the park and street unit in Uddevalla.

"A symbol of clean sea"

The floating garbage can was donated to the municipality from Uddevalla Port Terminal. Rolf Jonsson, who is chairman of the board, made the handover last Thursday and explains why they gave away the "water cleaner", which has a price tag of SEK 55,000.

- It is a good symbol of clean sea, which is a great ambition with us. Hopefully there will be more, but this could be the start of something, says board chairman at Uddevalla Port Terminal Rolf Jonsson.

- We have a responsibility to show the municipality and our employees that we are active in taking care of the environment. It is an important job with our own work towards a safe harbor, says also the CEO of Uddevalla Port Terminal Ulf Stenberg.

Still new

So far, not many municipalities have this kind of cleaning aid. But more and more people have acquired one, and evaluations will be made when testing the product more. Fredrik Stengavel believes that a single garbage can will make no major difference, except possibly in the immediate area. But still think that it is a step in the right drawing.

- I got fire and flames right when I got the message, especially when we worked a lot with information films and the like against just garbage. But I think more is needed to make a big difference, says Fredrik Stengavel.