• Politics.The Government proposes to the Franco family to transfer the remains of the dictator by helicopter
  • Timeline: Franco's exhumation: the key dates
  • Newspaper Archive: The Government will exhume Francisco Franco before October 25, in full electoral campaign

The acting government spokeswoman, Isabel Celaá , said Thursday that the exhumation of the dictator Francisco Franco will be carried out "with the dignity that corresponds to human remains", but "not at all with military honors, or flags," and as the family has asked.

"Everything will be done according to the ruling on the Supreme Court and the Law of Historical Memory; it is about moving the dictator's remains from a place of exaltation and driving him to a cemetery, " he said in a radio interview. Euskadi

In this cemetery, the family, "if you want", can organize a religious office .

On the specific date on which the exhumation will proceed, Celaá has not disclosed it and has said that the Government has to communicate it to the family 48 hours in advance .

This Wednesday, the acting Government communicated to the Franco family its intention to transfer the coffin by helicopter with the remains of the dictator from the Valley of the Fallen to the Mingorrubio cemetery in El Pardo.

On the other hand, the Supreme Court also rejected the very precautionary measures requested by Vox to paralyze the exhumation. The formation of Santiago Abascal asked the High Court for violation of the Organic Law of Electoral Regime (LOREG) when considering that the exhumation will be used for electoral purposes by the PSOE.

The Contentious-Administrative Chamber dismissed these very cautious Wednesday and has given the parties a three-day deadline - Vox and the Central Electoral Board - to rule on the precautionary measure before studying the substance of the matter.

The Government agreed last October 11 in the Council of Ministers that Franco's exhumation will take place before October 25 and that he would communicate to the family the exact date 48 hours before if they wish to attend the event.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Francisco Franco Bahamonde
  • Spain

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