JUST IN: Rick Perry told Trump he will soon be stepping down from his position as Secretary of Energy. The exact timing of his departure remains unclear pic.twitter.com/pWmRPR0bW7

- Bloomberg TicToc (@tictoc) October 17, 2019

According to the agency, Perry’s exact deadlines are unknown. A spokeswoman for the Department of Energy declined to comment on this information.

Earlier, Axios reported citing sources that Donald Trump “didn’t even want” to have a telephone conversation with Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky in July, but Rick Perry insisted on negotiations, who “advised the president to discuss something about the production plant with Zelensky liquefied natural gas. "

Also, the Politico newspaper, citing sources, wrote that Perry insisted that the Ukrainian authorities expand the composition of the board of Naftogaz and include Americans in it. The attempts of the American businessmen to remove the leadership of Naftogaz were also reported by the Associated Press.

Perry himself called these messages fiction.