“European Commemorative Gold Packed Wine” released by French company

While the deadline for the UK's withdrawal from the European Union is approaching the end of this month, French companies have already begun to sell gold-filled wines commemorating Britain's withdrawal from the EU.

The sparkling wine that was released in a gold bottle with gold leaf was put on the label, along with the British flag along with the golden letters “Leaving the EU ・ We made history”.

A company in France and Paris released two types of white and rose for about 20,000 yen each before the deadline for UK withdrawal from the EU was approaching the end of this month. There was also an order saying "I want to give it first".

A person in charge of the company told a media interview that "some customers buy bottles and decorate them like art."

However, it is unpredictable whether the UK will leave smoothly on time, and CNN Television in the US reported that the new trade relationship between the UK and the EU may affect wine tariffs. It is.