Paris (AFP)

The "walker" MP Aurélien Taché, whose declarations on the veil are shaking the presidential movement, is a young elected from the left wing with atypical career, broken to the shocks but rather isolated.

Holding a secular "tolerance", the elected Val-d'Oise, 35, co-host of the pole of the Republic in motion, has angered the Minister of Education after an interview at Point in which accuses Jean-Michel Blanquer of "strengthening" the National Rally by its positions "confused" on the veil.

While recognizing that "the law does not prohibit veiled women from accompanying children," the minister said that "the veil itself is not desirable in our society", provoking a debate within the government and from LREM who seized his mediator.

If the debate deserves to be asked, it must be "organized", said the boss of LREM deputies Gilles Le Gendre, his vice-president Marie Lebec crawling an "extremely unfortunate exit" of the deputy.

His left wing colleague Jean-François Cesarini even criticized a series of "positions of Aurélien Taché very unpopular in the group".

This is not the first time that the movement must "manage" the troubled troublemaker. In March, he received a call to order after his remarks tending to compare veil and headband girls from Catholic families.

At the time already, the right was rubbing his hands against the upheaval, demanding a "more demanding secularism". Eric Ciotti (LR) pinned Mr. Taché "spokesman for Islamo-leftism".

"He feels obliged to be the spokesman of the Muslims of France", according to a source LREM, which points a pronounced "egocentrism".

- Clivant -

The Deputy deputy machine gun is one of the most political at the Palais Bourbon, in line with his self-taught itinerary. First apprentice in plumbing, this grandson of resistant communist undertook at 19 years a degree in public law at the University of Limoges where he became president of Unef.

Student unionism, "it teaches you to have a political reading of a milieu and to know by what technique you can influence things," he says.

After a visit to the Ile-de-France region under Jean-Paul Huchon, this then socialist ministerial cabinet to 30 years under the previous five years, with Sylvia Pinel and Emmanuelle Cosse, Housing, in the midst of the crisis of migrants .

Then he becomes delegate of the group SOS, on the social and solidarity economy. And resigned from the PS in 2016 to join En Marche! where he contributes to the Housing and Poverty Alleviation Program.

"I was anarchist at 15, socialist at 25, macronist at 35 but I never changed ideas," he says, conceding having "kept (s) libertarian sensitivity".

Elected for the first time in 2017, he activates with the thirties of the "band of Poitiers" to rebalance the policy, deemed too far right.

In his report to the Prime Minister on the integration of foreigners, he made his mark on the sensitive asylum-immigration bill, even irritating Minister Gérard Collomb. On the controversial text anticasseurs, he abstains.

If he co-directs with Marlène Schiappa the party ideas pole, he participates a time in parallel to a think tank, Hyperion. This earned him enmities in a party advocating the "collective": "he is all alone," says a colleague.

The deputy is ready to debate, at the Fête de l'Huma, as at the Convention of the right of Marion Maréchal, an event he finally renounces in September.

Shortly before the debate in early October in Parliament on immigration, Aurélien Taché receives Carola Rackete, the captain of the humanitarian ship SeaWatch, a proclamation in itself.

But "LREM is neither the PS nor the UNEF" and a political movement is not built "only with media blows unwanted," squeaks a manager.

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