As noted, the government intends to support the relevant bill after its completion. This follows from the draft recall of the Cabinet.

According to the document, it is planned to introduce two new concepts — EPD and “Settlement Center”. The aim of the project is to increase the collection of payments for utility services, reduce the risks of theft of management companies (UK) by increasing the transparency of their settlements with suppliers, as well as to strengthen control over the validity of tariffs.

Earlier, experts advised in order to save on utilities services to install individual heating meters, which allow you to adjust the temperature of the batteries in the apartments. In addition, it is recommended not to forget to check the condition of pipes and windows in the house in order to avoid heat loss.

The chairman of the commission on housing and communal services, construction and roads of the Public Chamber of Russia Igor Shpector, in an interview with the NSN, also commented on the proposal to create an electronic database of personal data of payers of public utilities.