First of all, it is recommended to drivers by any means to avoid a head-on collision with another car.

“Do everything to get away from the oncoming blow: a ditch, a fence, a bush, even a tree is better than a car coming at you,” the memo says.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that in a collision with a stationary object, a blow to the left or right wing is much worse in its consequences than to the whole bumper.

If an impact is inevitable, you should first protect your head, at low speed you need to push your back into the seat and rest your hands on the steering wheel, and at speeds above 60 km / h and in the absence of a seat belt, press your chest against the steering column.

“If you are traveling in the front passenger seat, cover your head with your hands and lay on your side, spreading out in the seat. Sitting in the back seat, try to fall to the floor, ”the department added.

If a child is in the car, it must be covered by itself.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations reminded that it is necessary to leave the car as soon as possible and move away from it.

In September, the head of the Russian Ministry of Transport, Yevgeny Dietrich, spoke with Izvestia about the fight against traffic accidents.