Our editorialist, Vincent Hervouët, a specialist in international news, returns Monday on the Turkish offensive launched in northern Syria, while France called Sunday night for "the immediate cessation" of fighting.


In a statement, France on Sunday worried "dramatic humanitarian consequences" of the offensive launched Wednesday by Turkey against the Kurdish forces in northern Syria. Our editorialist Vincent Hervouët returns to the microphone of Europe 1 on the geopolitical stakes of this attack.

"Recep Tayyip Erdogan calls the operation" source of peace. "It's cold humor, like a morgue On the sixth day of the Turkish offensive in northern Syria, the source is streaming with blood. the innocent blood of civilians killed in the bombings The impure blood of nine Kurds summarily executed by the Arab deputies that Turkey employs in the front line.In the past, these Islamists fought against Bashar al-Assad.They continue the civil war, but against the Kurds .

On the sixth day, the war simplifies all the equations. The abandoned Kurds of Americans rush into the arms of the Russians. It was fatal. They call Bashar al-Assad for help. The tyrant triumphs. Americans desert tribal war. Last week, Washington was talking about the withdrawal of some soldiers from the only border area. Down with the masks, it's the thousand men who are packing up.

Europeans shout loudly

The jihadists also pack their bags. Women and children first, with the great escape of the camp of Ain Issa: 800 prisoners who flee. Fathers and husbands will follow. It is written.

The Europeans finally go to the end of their logic. That of impotence. They worry, get indignant, make big eyes. After convening the Security Council on Thursday, meeting a mini Defense Council Sunday night, France will pose the problem on the table of the European Council Thursday. As much to light candles. This is what we do and what we will do again at the next attacks. "