Radomir Sarkan is very frugal with comments about the event that occurred just before lunch on Sunday. For example, he does not want to tell us about the origins of the fight or if someone on the staff was also injured.

- But the people involved have received the medical care they need and they are now at the facility, he tells SVT Västernorrland.

Has anyone or anyone been taken to hospital for care?

- All prisoners are at the facility right now.

Information about knife

According to information to SVT, there must have been a knife in connection with the incident. A person should also have had to sew with about 20 stitches.

- There is nothing I can confirm, says Radomir Sarkan.

Clearly, the event will be investigated on two fronts.

incident Investigation

- We will do our own incident investigation according to the routine in such events. And so we made a police report.

What have you reported it as? What is the heading of what happened?

- The police have to decide what to investigate. We leave a report from here on what happened and they can do their investigation.

Police technicians were on site at the facility on Sunday evening to conduct an initial investigation.